- 1028.9K60%Naked Pai-chan
- 1826.1K100%Pai-chan After Class
- 720.5K100%In the Japanese Abandoned Love Hotel
- 715.6K100%Inseminate Your Nude Maid
- 815.5K90%Pai-chan in the Hotel Room
- 913.9K100%Good Moaning Pai-chan
- 912K100%Pai-chan, the Pervy Pilgrim
- 2412K100%Pai-chan, the Pervert (Japanese Edition)
- 911.3K70%Maid Pai-chan (Video)
- 208.8K90%Naked Pai-chan in the Tranny Hunters Forest
- 87.8K80%Pai-chan in Schoolgurl Uniform
- 87.2K100%Room Service Maid Pai-chan
- 56.2K60%This is Pai-chan, the Pervert
- 75.3K100%Wonderful Outdoor
- 54.9K100%Naked Ritual
- 54.3K40%Pai-chan Staying in Tokyo Love Hotel
- 83.4K50%Merry Christmas from Pai-chan
- 111K100%Pai-chan After Class