- 88.7K100%Huge hard cock
- 198.1K100%Extrem ball banding
- 167.2K100%Cock and Ball banding session
- 195.1K100%Sounding + Banding at the same time - 12.10.2017 Session 1
- 175K40%Flaccid cock banded
- 154.8K100%Penis banding session
- 364.1K100%Triple banding a huge piece of meat
- 234K50%The Cockworm
- 163.3K100%Banded my cock to a huge worm
- 23K100%Glans banding
- 102.8K100%Banding - 12.10.2017 Session 3
- 92.7K100%Penis exploration
- 92.7K100%Cock banding 2 bands for 21 minutes
- 172.7K80%Banding - 12.10.2017 Session 2
- 112.5K100%Cock banding session with 5 elastrator bands
- 102.4K100%Extreme cock banding
- 152.4K100%Cock banding session with 3 elastrator bands
- 32.2K100%Single ball banding
- 102.1K100%Cock banding with rubber band with nice numbing effect
- 111.7K100%Limb cock banding session
- 151.6K100%Penis banding session with hoseclamp
- 61.6K100%Weighing cock & balls
- 31.4K100%Cock Art
- 21.4K100%30yo man and cockless version
- 81.4K50%Cock banding session with 1 elastrator band
- 21.3K100%Banded flaccid cock
- 21.2K100%My cock at young age (2014)
- 81.2K100%20yo cock
- 31.2K100%Pierced Cock
- 41.1K0%Tight ball banding