- 182.8K90%I am waiting....
- 266.4K80%Bath time!
- 154.3K90%My birthday show in the kitchen
- 1151.7K90%Lady in red
- 1142.2K50%Lingerie modeling outfit 1
- 1233.7K70%a Different kind of Cupid
- 133.3K90%Guess who's back!!
- 733.2K80%I love being naked at the pool
- 230.7K80%Feeling sexy in my kitchen
- 627.6K50%I love being in front of the camera
- 522.4K50%Lingerie modeling outfit number 2
- 520.8K100%Bodoir Lingerie photoshoot outfit number 4
- 219.4K70%I love pre shows!
- 119.3K90%Take it off
- 318.1K60%Ooh la la!
- 317.4K80%I love being naked
- 815.9K60%My favorite lingerie
- 115.3K70%Mystery
- 714.7K70%This outfit was so popular, everyone wanted me to keep it on
- 114.5K50%Saying goodbye to summer
- 714.1K50%I love summer
- 614K50%Lingerie Modeling Photoshoot outfit number 3
- 513.9K80%Do you like me in suspenders?
- 512.1K50%I get better nookie in a Suzuki!
- 1411.7K50%Happy holidays to you all
- 711.1K40%Tantric sex is good for the soul
- 47.3K60%Just out of the shower
- 47.2K60%a Little something for the Monday blues
- 55.5K60%This outfit was named after me
- 75.4K30%I loved doing this show